Call us today: 978-851-5138
Dan the LawnMan
Below is a list of some of the most common questions we receive when meeting with a potential client.
Does my lawn need to be cut every week?
No, we cut as needed, doing what's best for the lawn. We do keep a regular schedule but as in June this season, when the dry heat hits, grass does not grow as fast, especially for those without irrigation. We want you to have thick plush lawn, so we can continue to maintain it for you, years to come.
Do I really need to fertilize?
No! It depends what type of lawn you expect and desire. Obvisouly those lawns that receive regular fertilizer applications are much healthier and nicer.
Can you cut it real low so you don't have to come as often?
No, this is not true. Lawns start looking like they need to be cut when the growth is uneven. A good lawn should not be cut lower than 3"s and not cutting more than 1/4" at a time. This promotes a good thick lawn, which gives less area for weeds to grow.
Do you plow?
Yes, but we only plow driveways for our landscape clients. Not only do we take care of your driveway but 1 walkway to the main door is included!
What if I only need you on occassion; is that ok?
Absolutely! We look at our clients as a partner, providing only what you need. Whether it is a residenial or commercial property, we are here to service you. Spring / Fall clean-ups; mulching, planting, new lawns, lawn cutting / trimming, walls, snow; we do it all for you. Our number 1 goal is to make you happy; with our work; so you can enjoy your yard, not work on your yard!